Oil filling??

  • Peter
  • Peters Avatar Autor

Oil filling??

13 Okt. 2003 17:08
Hi all GB Lovers!

I wonder following!

I changed oil and oil filter today, and according tothe Owners manual you shall fill about 1,7 liters after drainig. I filled 1,7 liter oil and then a started the engine and let it idle for 3 minutes and then a checked the oil after 2 minutes and there were nothing on the dipstick, after filling 2,3 liters it was enough. How much oil shall it be, 1,7 or 2,3 after changing oil and filter???

Best regards


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  • kerwepeter
  • kerwepeters Avatar Autor

Re: Re: Oil filling??

13 Okt. 2003 21:58
Hi Peter,

the problem you mentioned is a well known topix among XBR and GB riders. The problem is that the messing procedure isn't reliable. Often the oil filling is correct but can't be checked correctly. If you are sure that you have filled in the correct amount, then it is no problem.
If you search for "Ölstandsmessung" you will find a lot of postings about that topic, because there is no real solution for that problem.
Don`t fill in too much oil, because of the air filter getting drained with oil, too!
Kind regards

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  • choice
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Re: Re: Oil filling??

13 Okt. 2003 22:23
due to my experience it's rather 2,3l than 1,7l. after draining the oil from engine and tank, i would fill in about 2l , let it iddle for a while and then adjust the oil level.
the clubman is a bit different from the xbr, because the oil is drained from the engine at the clutch cover, which normally doesn't allow to drain all the oil. if you lean the bike over to the right, you might have drained more oil than honda wanted you to.

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