How to lift the GB 500

  • Peter
  • Peters Avatar Autor

How to lift the GB 500

09 Okt. 2003 22:25
Hi all!

Can a place a motorcycle lift under the motor or will this damage the exhaustpipe under the motor?

Best regards


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  • Richard
  • Richards Avatar Autor

Re: Re: How to lift the GB 500

09 Okt. 2003 23:29
Hejsan Peter,
Yes you will quite likely bent the exhaust pipes or the collector box should you lift the GB by them. Get a set of lifts for the front fork and the rear swing arm respectively, most friendly dealers sell them. Just note that the bottom of the GB's two front fork legs are mechanically different and needs different attachment to the lift.

Blllurp, blllurp

Richard Pade, CPH, DK

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  • Ray
  • Rays Avatar Autor

Re: Re: How to lift the GB 500

10 Okt. 2003 02:49

I've been using the following jack many times for my GB500:

I position the jack right under the exhaust chamber, which seems to be the center of gravity and it holds the bike quite steady. Note: I always use at least two tie-downs for extra security. The chamber is actually quite strong and I have not experienced any damage to any part of the exhaust system.

Be safe,

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  • Richard
  • Richards Avatar Autor

Re: Re: How to lift the GB 500

10 Okt. 2003 13:48
Indeed, and the collector/pre-muffler does not bend? - I would not have believed it could hold the weight of the GB. Would prefer to make a small rig/fixture for the lift to attach to the frame tubes directly.

Richard Pade, CPH, DK

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  • Ray
  • Rays Avatar Autor

Re: Re: How to lift the GB 500

11 Okt. 2003 01:47
Nope, nothing bends. The collector box appears extremely strong and has no problem supporting the full weight of the bike. The downpipes normally won't touch the jack, but I am using a piece of wood across the arms of the jack (ca. 1" x 4" x 15") to support the downpipes. This gives extra stability when I'm doing extended jobs such as a carb rebuild, replacing the chain etc.


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