
  • Erik Dyreborg
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18 Aug. 2012 19:56
Hallo !

Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut. Kan man hier in English schreiben?
Mein Clubbi seit 3 jahren - www.motobornholm.dk/honda_gb_500.html

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Re: Re: Däne-Clubbi

19 Aug. 2012 10:09
Hi Erik,
let´s try it.


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  • Erik Dyreborg
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Re: Re: Däne-Clubbi

19 Aug. 2012 10:49
OK will do :)

On top of the various modifications I did, I also removed the "tank" see part 22 www.cmsnl.com/honda-gb500-tourist-trophy...t/F++17.html#results and connected a heavy tube where the breather tube was connected to the crank case - then took the new tube up under the gas tank on the right site, all the way up front, and then down on the left side, and connected the tube to the air case.

This eliminated some odd noise I experinced, and resulted in that no oil goes into the air cleaner house / element. And, furthermore, you don't have to empty the tube for oil, from time to time, as any oil which may go up in the new tube, will simply fall back into the crank case.

I also changed both the main and slow jet. Main from 145 to 148 and slow from 48 to 52.

The entire operation has resulted in a far better gas economy, from the previous average of 23 km / L to an average of 27 km/ L - in June the GB even did 30,8 km / L.


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Re: Re: Däne-Clubbi

27 Aug. 2012 12:58
The self-made center stand looks very interesting, I bet a lot of people would want one on their gb500

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  • Erik Dyreborg
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Re: Re: Däne-Clubbi

27 Aug. 2012 16:28
Thanks Niki,
I’m very pleased with it - – it's very useful.
If anyone would like to have one, feel free to copy mine – see picture: www.motobornholm.dk/007_1.jpg
Remember: The right vertical plate, on the top of the picture, is to be mounted on the inside of the footpeg bracket, and the left plate on the outside.
When installing the centerstand, you can thus easily install it as ONE unit, but you have to remove the silencer first.
A Dutchman has done the centerstand in a more simple way - he's smarter than me :-) - but here you have to modify the exhaust system, as his system leaves NO space for the GB 500 standard silencer.
See some pics of his operation:
I'’ve been in touch with the Dutchman, and I have more pics, and if you'’re interested, just contact me by way of e-mail info@motobornholm.dk and I'’ll send you the pictures.
He used a XBR 500 centerstand.

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