New (used) motor for XBR ?

  • Jonas Graverholt
  • Jonas Graverholts Avatar Autor
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New (used) motor for XBR ?

14 Juli 2011 15:27
Hi there

I'm new in this forum. I'm from Denmark, and i've got a '87 xbr.
My xbr is in need of a new motor, since the old one broke down pretty seriously:
A valve broke loose at about 90 km/h, and had a ride inside the cylinder, damaging the cylinder, piston and cylinderhead.

Since the xbr was never imported to Denmark, there's almost no used spares to get here. I'm wondering if any of the other 1 cylinder Honda-engines would fit on to the xbr? The Honda offroaders is much more common around here.

Also any other information on where to get a spare engine, is highly appreciated.

Have nice day all of you.

- Jonas

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Re: Re: New (used) motor for XBR ?

20 Juli 2011 21:24
Jonas, actually 2 XBR's were imported to Denmark by the Honda importer in '85 and the XBR was kept in the model program until '87. The price was way to high for it to sell, though. One of the two bikes was bought by a Honda dealer himself and he kept and rode it for many years :-)

To buy a new engine, do write an ad in the 'Suche Teile' of the 'Suche/Biete' section.

To learn how to fit a NX650 engine in a a XBR frame, do read the article: Ein britisher Artikel zum Einbau eines Dominatormotors in eine XBR in 'XBR-Media'. Also some of the 600ccs should fit, why not contact some of the tuners in here directly?

To learn more about the XBR, the 'TechnTest', 'XBR-Media' and of course this 'Phorum' is the best source on earth, trust me ;-)

Feel free to leave a 'Privatnachricht, if you want to get in contact.

Bluurp. bluurp

Richard Pade, Sorgenfri, DK

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