Breather tubes and plug?

Breather tubes and plug?

18 Nov. 2009 15:47
Hello, sorry for not speaking german.

Two short questions.

How are you gonna be able to reach the spark plug without removing the top of the cylinder?

How do you connect all the breather tubes and plugs to the carburator?


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  • Johannes
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  • Beiträge: 1988

Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

18 Nov. 2009 18:08
Hi Olof,
You need a smal nut tool for the spark plug:

at this thread is a picture of the tubes...,16738,16750#msg-16750

If there are any questions don't mind to ask
mit freundlichen bub bub bub

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

18 Nov. 2009 19:20
Thank you very much!
About the tubes, that was a real good picture, but it does'nt say really where they are going.

Like tube number 20, I can see where it connects to the carb, but not where it connects to the other side, or is that not going anywhere?

And number 21, looks like its connected to the gasoline nipple, but I guess it should be to the other one.

When I was working with the bike, the tube that was connected at 21 just went down underneath the bike, so when I tried to pull it out underneath, I grabbed another tube that and that came loose, but I have no clue where it was attatched, it just ended underneath the bike.

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

18 Nov. 2009 19:31

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

19 Nov. 2009 15:49
olof schrieb:
> When I was working with the bike, the tube that
> was connected at 21 just went down underneath the
> bike, so when I tried to pull it out underneath, I
> grabbed another tube that and that came loose, but
> I have no clue where it was attatched, it just
> ended underneath the bike.

a long tube for "A" in your drawning
"B" is for nothing, only on older cabs.
watch here

people who watch the clip should know that i won't apologize for the poor criminal condition the bike looks.

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

19 Nov. 2009 20:42
Wow, you shot movie that all for me? Thanks a lot!
Now I get it, thanks.

Just one last question, which of the carb rebuilds kits should be for my 1985 Honda? ?

The have two, and I can't tell which one.

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

19 Nov. 2009 22:05
which one?

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

19 Nov. 2009 22:19
KH-1235N is the full power (44hp) version.

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

19 Nov. 2009 23:37
danke schön meine freunden! (meine deutch ist nich su gut)

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

19 Nov. 2009 23:46
They only ship to germany! Argh!

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

20 Nov. 2009 00:03
Its no problem i think, when it dosent go , i will order that for you and send it to sweden.When you want, send me an PN and were speak about that.

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

20 Nov. 2009 08:19
No, we ship everywhere, but the shop system doesn't is a bit odd, therefore we restricted the countries. You can use a "dummy adress" or just send us a mail.

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

20 Nov. 2009 10:05
Mainjet är en enmansfirma, killen som driver den är aktiv här på forumet, Choice.
Har handlat där ett antal gånger, helt OK, bara skicka ett mail med vad du vill ha.
Har du förgasarstrul så kolla även in Mikuni flatslide förgasaren. (En lämplig hjulklapp?)

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

23 Nov. 2009 18:17
Olof, for tube diagrams look in the Service manual or even the GB500 Addendum to the XBR Service manual found under TechNtest, particularly the page:

[ ]

and around there. Some alternative RFVC engine manuals might have details missing/not visible in the XBR/GB manuals, the NX650 is handy at times:

[ ]

Beware the CA model (carb type VE31A) has one or two more tubes and gadgets, the fiche will aid in explaing which, too.

Då återstår endast ett: Lycka till med ihopbyggnaden :-)

Bluurp, bluurp
Richard Pade, Kopenhagen, DK

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Re: Re: Breather tubes and plug?

23 Nov. 2009 23:23
Mainjet är en enmansfirma

My Swedish is really bad (even working for a Swedish company), but MainJet is a one woman and half a man company!!

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