Tyre choise

Tyre choise

25 Jan. 2009 21:58

My german is very rusty, so sorry.
I need new tyres on my XBR, and think BT45 is the best choise. But, I think I've read, that a 120/80 rear tyre would fit, and make it more stable.
what tyres is best for the XBR, and what size?


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Re: Re: Tyre choise

26 Jan. 2009 09:45
The 120/80-18 fits, but the tyre is pretty close to the swingarm and might touch the chain cover. I used this size in the past on the race track, but can't identify a particular advantage for road use only. It should be costy also.
BT45 is the choice for youngtimers.
I read some good news about the CONTI TKV11/12 combo, which is re-engineerd, but stays with the same pattern. Check the production date, if you buy some.

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