Xbr cockpit on Slr650

Xbr cockpit on Slr650

02 Sep. 2006 23:22
Who knows.
Is it possible to place a Xbr cockpit (tacho and speedometer) on a Slr 650?
Maybe there are some problems with cdi or other problems.

Greets, Piet

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Re: Re: Xbr cockpit on Slr650

03 Sep. 2006 09:02
Yes, Piet, the SLR650 CDI is totally different from the types used on the XBR and other '80ies RFVC engines. Most likely the electric circuit to the tacho should be modified, some measuring and diagram spotting required.

The SLR front wheel is bigger, so you may have to try and move the XBR speedometer drive on the front axle as well. Try and error will show if that is necessary - and physically possible.

What is your project about? I do have a spare, supposedly complete SLR650 cockpit and wireharness with CDI, I might want to sell. Contact med directly by e-mail if interested.

Bluurp, bluurp

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Re: Re: Xbr cockpit on Slr650

03 Sep. 2006 09:48
Thanks Richard.
It's a project from friends of me.
They asked me if that was possible.
I will let them know to look at your answer.
Look at the nice picture of the SLr's they have. www.mijnalbum.nl/Album=EHOSVL4X
Greets: Piet

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Re: Re: Xbr cockpit on Slr650

03 Sep. 2006 19:28
is the guy with the srx working for a moving company? i can't believe the size of the topcase!!

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