Re-assembling motor

  • Anonymer Teilnehmer
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Re-assembling motor

14 Juli 2006 17:56
Hi all,

First excuses once again for posting in English, since my German is pretty lousy. I hope you can help me with the following problem:

Some time ago, I bought this 87'er XBR, completely in parts. I had the motor treated with glass perls (damn, it looks hot, I'll post a link to pictures of it later). However, I couldn't manage to place the motor, as a whole, back into the frame. While I am sure it came out in one piece. There must be some special trick Mister Honda created to do this, but unfortunately, I am not familiar with it.

So after one hour of trying, my strong male friends got aching muscles, my frame obtained some paint damage (although protected by several cloths) and the motor was still not in the frame.

Does anyone of you know the trick?

Thanks in advance!
(Do not hesitate: replying in German is fine too)

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Re: Re: Re-assembling motor

14 Juli 2006 22:35
Never got to installing nor even removing the engine myself, but did you possibly try to install the engine with the carburettor installed? That would be difficult I think.

And did you try and see if the service manual had anything to suggest about this operation?

Btw the frame could most likely be better protected by being wrapped in sliced-up bicycle tubes, taped to fit tightly. I found this useful when removing and installing the carburettor on my GB ;-)

Bluurp, bluurp

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Re: Re: Re-assembling motor

14 Juli 2006 23:07
At the manual they showed the installing from the left side.
I have tested it without a result.

Installing from the right side is better (for me).

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  • Johannes
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Re: Re: Re-assembling motor

15 Juli 2006 14:03
(for the next time its easyer without zylinder and head...)

OK- it is tricky and easyer with two people.

First wrap the frame at front tube and groundtubes with elastic kitchen foil for protektion.....

Lift the Motor from the right side into the frame the head and the balancer housing will edge against the frame.

Make a fixing belt (like for transport fixing use) around the engine and the upper frame tube and set it on tension
now you have to get the rear motorfixing between the latches by pressing down at rear side and lifting at front....

(And the murkser says: It is easyer if You bend the latches from each other ca 1-2 mm)

mit freundlichen bub bub bub

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Re: Re: Re-assembling motor

16 Juli 2006 13:07
Thx for all replies, we indeed figured out quite quickly that the right side was the proper one to operate from.

@Richard: No carburettor was installed on the motor yet, this would make it even more (unnecessarily) complicated. I truly doubt whether installation with installed carburettor is possible at all.

@Johannes: We will definitely try this, thx for suggesting the use of a fixing belt, this sure will give us an extra hand :-)

Will let you all know whether we made it or not ;-) If not, I'm afraid the cilinder will have to be removed.

Thx once again,


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Re: Re: Re-assembling motor

16 Juli 2006 21:04
in no case the cylinder needs to be removed!
additionally to johannes' tips, i would recommend to use an old tire tube as frame protection. a one of fietsen should be sufficient.
remember: we gave all bicycles back!

Nachricht bearbeitet (07-17-06 13:04)

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Re: Re: Re-assembling motor

19 Juli 2006 07:10
@choice: hahaha, ok, thx for the tip!

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