Norwegen im Juni !!!

  • Arvid Løvik
  • Arvid Løviks Avatar Autor

Norwegen im Juni !!!

28 Jan. 2002 21:13
Re: Peer Hanwar's oelfrage unten .

We have a very nice campingsite with tentplaces and cabins just 2 km's from my home in Stavanger You can use as base.
Ferry from Denmark goes to both to Kristiansand (250 km's away) or Egersund (70 km away)
I will be glad to take You riding some of the worlds most phantastic motorcycle roads. Like the famous road to Lysebotn, 36 hairpin bends down from the mountain to the Lysefjord. One of the hairpins (180 degrees) are in fact a tunnel in the mountain. The road to the waterfall Månafossen, the daytour through the fjord area of Ryfylke ( the Ryfylkeroad), the winding narrow road from Egersund to Flekkefjord, the high mountain passage between Sirdal and Setesdal (with 5-6 meters snow on the side in early June) and hundreds more possibillities !!
Have a look at my site for pictures of the area:
and also a picture from Nordic adventure of the serpentine road:
to wet Your apetite !!!



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  • Johannes Dolecek
  • Johannes Doleceks Avatar Autor

Re: Links Norwegen im Juni !!!

29 Jan. 2002 11:13
Hello here the Links to klick:

<a href=""target="_top">Arvics super Seite mit Clubi Sound und Bildern vom feinsten

<a href=" " target="_top">Die Kurve

boah bub bub

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  • Peer
  • Peers Avatar Autor

Re: Re: Links Norwegen im Juni !!!

29 Jan. 2002 12:42
So, I don´t have any time before the 15th of June
I would like to start at the 21 of June, maybe for 14 days?
who else is interested?

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  • ralf
  • ralfs Avatar Autor

Re: Re: Links Norwegen im Juni !!!

30 Jan. 2002 21:31
"Die Kurve", die haut mich ja um....Alleine der Anblick erzeugt bei mir, der ich nicht schwindelfrei bin Gänsehaut vom Feinsten......

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