xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

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xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

28 Nov. 2005 16:49
I'm sorry for writing in englisch..

I bought a 1983 xl600 cilinder for my gb500. this cilinder has a bore of 100 mm. Can I use the original gb500 head? or do I have to work this had a bit? and if so, can I just do the edge of the combustion chamber?

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Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

28 Nov. 2005 18:20
just grind the edge of the combustion off. you should enlarge to 100 mm. this will result in a compression ration of about 9,3:1.
good luck and have fun!

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  • cctol
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Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

28 Nov. 2005 18:34
thanks!! I'l post my story when I have done the job.

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Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

08 Apr. 2006 11:28

I build the engine with the xl600 cilinder, wiseco 101.mm piston and a xl600 carburator. I grinded the edge of the cilinderhead with a dremel and used a xl600 topend gasketset.

I also removed my worn and rusty exhaust system and replaced it by a withbrothers pipe and supertrapp end. (Ebay, thank you!)

Then I bought the 320 mm diskbrake from abert. and replaced the brake hose for a steel wired one.

last week, I made the first 50 kilometers, ..... ....

OOOO, It's so strong! there is mucht much more power!! I recomend this modification to everybody.
Now I have to work on the clutch as wel, it can't handel the extra pk's...

If your intrested in some pictures, visit: www.nelisto.nl/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=p1

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Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

09 Apr. 2006 10:24
that's what i recommend to everybody. hell knows, why they are not listening! ;-)
replace the original clutch by the one of the xl600r. all plates are full-plates then. you need to remove the two spring in the very back of the clutch basket.

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  • Lancasterrose
  • Lancasterroses Avatar Autor

Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

09 Apr. 2006 11:02
There are only few of them, but what separates the big guns from the rest: You have an urgently need for stiffer clutch springs like White Bros did with their own superb conversion kit, otherwise the result of Your extra power is permanent clutch slip above idle speed instead of metering down the road. And, believe me or not, what`s even more important: Stay away from synthetic oil.

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  • cctol
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Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

09 Apr. 2006 11:09
thank you for the clutch facts! I let know when I made some progression.

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  • cctol
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Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

09 Apr. 2006 11:25
But what about the xl600, xr600 clutch? does it hase to be a xl600r clutch?
Or, can I use xl600r plates and springs in my gb500 clutch?

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Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

09 Apr. 2006 13:29
the clutch plates of xr, xl, nx and so on are the same. lancasterrose is right, stiffer clutch springs help!

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  • piet koper
  • piet kopers Avatar Autor

Re: Re: xl600 cillinder in a gb500 engine

09 Apr. 2006 22:19
I use Castrol GPS for 5 jears now, and its the best in my opinion for the xbr. gb

Its half synthetic / half mineral oil, and works perfekt.

also for the clutch, and gear chanching.

Yes i now it is expensiv, but it is worth the engine, gearbox and cluth.

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