600 Umbau und Mikuni TM38SS vergaser

  • Mats Bergsmeden
  • Mats Bergsmedens Avatar Autor

600 Umbau und Mikuni TM38SS vergaser

02 Nov. 2001 13:32
I will write in english since my written german is quite bad, I do read german though.
I own a 86 XBR and would like to fit my XL600 cylinder and piston to the 500 engine. I still want to use the XBR head. Do I have to change anything in the head or can I use it as is.
Also interested to know if anyone have any tips about fitting a 38mm Mikuni Flaschscheibe TM38SS vergaser, bedüsung etc.
Would be very grateful for any tips or hints to where to get info.
Mats Bergsmeden

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Re: Re: 600 Umbau und Mikuni TM38SS vergaser

03 Nov. 2001 21:09
hi mats!

whether the cylinder fits depends which xl it comes off. if it had 75mm stroke, there is no problem. you should grind the combustion chamber at the gasket area.
the 38mm mikuni was made to used with 2 strokes. i would strongly recommend to use a carb with push/pull cables to ensure the closure of the slide. there is a reason for the roller bearings at the slide of some carbs. the low pressure sucks the slide to the housing and it hardly falls down again.


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  • Johannes
  • Johanness Avatar Autor

Re: OK don't cry

04 Nov. 2001 22:38
Choice is a good adress for this parts, look at his site <a href=" www.mainjet.de " target="_new"> www.Mainjet.de
bub bub bub

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  • Mats Bergsmeden
  • Mats Bergsmedens Avatar Autor

Re: Re: OK don't cry

10 Nov. 2001 12:05
Hi Choice
Thankyou for your help.
My Cylinder is of the 75mm stroke kind so I can use it. I guess the reason for the reworking on the head is to lower the compression.
I get your point about the push and pull. Once I had a Yamaha SR500 that was fitted with a 36 mm flatside Mikuni. It didn´t have the push and pull system and it workled quite well.
still I maybe have to rethink and use a larger carb. 38 is maybe to small when using a 600 cylinder?

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Re: Re: OK don't cry

10 Nov. 2001 23:10
hi mats!

no the ompression ratio is on the secure side with 9,4:1, but there is a sharp edge in the combustion area, which might cause knocking.

which size of carb your are using depends on what your target is: a torque engine or reving one. the bigger the carb the more the engine revs.

still i would recommend to use a push/pull type for safety reasons.


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