Oil in the aircleanercase?

  • Peter
  • Peters Avatar Autor

Oil in the aircleanercase?

29 Juli 2004 00:01
Hi all Honda Lovers!

Today when I was out driving with my Clubman I noticed that it was dripping oil from the Aircleanercase, and when I have stop the bike it came more oil from the Aircleanercase!

Does anyone know why the oil is coming out here, what can happen with the motor? And what shall i do??


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Re: Re: Oil in the aircleanercase?

29 Juli 2004 09:19
This is a normal problem. The exhaust of the transmission block is connected to an oil seperator, the liquid exits through the plastic tube, the vapors are directed into the air filter box.
If you drive with a too high oil level, it becomes more likely that oil vapors enter the air filter box.

Solution: Clean the box, check the air filter and replace it if necessary. The motor cannot be harmed. This procedure is done on purpose, the oil vapors are entering the motor via the carburator and get burned, but are not emitted directly into the environment.

bub bub


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  • hanwa
  • hanwas Avatar Autor

Re: Re: Oil in the aircleanercase?

29 Juli 2004 10:22
i can´t reach you with your e mail, please contact
Tel.:, mobil: 0049 (0)173/ 6 411 411


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  • choice
  • choices Avatar Autor

Re: Re: Oil in the aircleanercase?

29 Juli 2004 20:35
robert's explanation is brilliant, but there is a plug to drain the oil from the separation system. in fact there are two of 'em . check underneath the pivot axle of the swing arm. open both and drain the oil. this should help!
somebody has got secrets??

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  • Richard P
  • Richard Ps Avatar Autor

Re: Re: Oil in the aircleanercase?

29 Juli 2004 21:14
@Choice: *Two* drain plugs from the separator?

- who's got secrets ;-)

@Peter: Checking the oil level when you come home gives the most consistent result acc. to my experience. At least do not check it before the engine has been driven really warm and well circulated, since then it will often appear as if oil is missing. If you then add oil, you now know the result :-)

Richard Pade, Copenhagen, DK

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  • choice
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Re: Re: Oil in the aircleanercase?

29 Juli 2004 23:01
no! one comes from the breather, the other one from the airfilter case. if they are full the oil leaks from the airfilter case.

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  • Richard P
  • Richard Ps Avatar Autor

Re: Re: Oil in the aircleanercase?

29 Juli 2004 23:20
@Choice: You are right (of course) the one drain tube with the long, clear plastic cap (on the GB at least) is from the air filter box. I mistook that drain tube for being the from the akkumulator. Hm, I better check it tomorrow, again thank you

Blllurp, blllurp (or however trapped oil sludge sounds)
Richard Pade, Copenhagen, DK

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