ukasz & `89 Honda XBR500

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ukasz & `89 Honda XBR500

12 Apr. 2004 00:01
I`m from Poland and I`m owner of Honda XBR `89. It`s really hard to find anything about this bike in internet - I guess, that this site could be the biggest source of information, but unfortunatelly I don`t understand german :( so I can`t understand what is written in here :( If any of You had any informations, articles, etc. written in english I would be very thankful if You could mail it to me (
I would also like to mail with other XBR owners - this bike is rather rare in here and every piece of information about it is very helpful to me - but, as I`ve mentioned above, I can speak only polish and english.
And also I`m looking for set of xbr 500 tachometers - help! ;)
Here are pictures of my XBR:

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  • mart!n
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Re: Re: ukasz & `89 Honda XBR500

12 Apr. 2004 12:42
Hi Ukasz,

if you need some technical information or support feel free to ask here or by e-mail.

Using the link "Sucheseite suchen" on top of this page you'll find the market-place of this homepage where you can deposit your search for parts.


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  • Richard P
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Re: Re: ukasz & `89 Honda XBR500

12 Apr. 2004 23:22

You are right, this site is the world's greatest resource for info on the XBR (and GB500) :-)

There is actually a discussion group for the XBR500 in english in Yahoo Groups - you can search for it at: - but there is not so much activity nor information as in here.

And the great and knowledgeable guys in here take the language matter quite easily - even my "german" attempts passes unnoticed. Well, most of the time :-)

So, as Martin says, just ask...

Greetings form Denmark,
Richard Pade, Copenhagen, DK

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Re: Re: ukasz & `89 Honda XBR500

13 Apr. 2004 23:01
feel free to ask anything....

mit freundlichen bub bub bub

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