Motor öl - Engine oil??

  • Fredrik Liljeqvist
  • Fredrik Liljeqvists Avatar Autor

Motor öl - Engine oil??

10 Juni 2003 19:58

I would be very thankful if someone could help me even if i write in english.

I have some trouble putting my bike in "neutral mode" - no gear when its running.
When it is turned off its no problem.

I've changed the motorcykle oil to a car oil.
Mobil-1 5W-50 and it helped a little...
I think the motorcykle oil is to sticky.

I hope someone will help me an i will be wery greateful.

Thanks/ Fredrik - Schweden

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Re: Re: Motor öl - Engine oil??

10 Juni 2003 23:19
maybe the oil sticks the clutch plates together.
or maybe the free play of your clutch lever is too small, or anything else prevents the clutch to open completely. do you find neutral as long as the motorcycles is rolling?


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