Winter tires and broken ignition switch.

Winter tires and broken ignition switch.

16 Okt. 2010 19:50
Alright, my bikes never come trouble free and my recent issue is that the ignition switch is worn out on my XBR.
It got stuck in "handlebar lock", and after 10 minutes of trying/turning I managed to get the handlebars unlocked, but its now impossible to turn the ignition on, I might manage to get it on once, but it won't be fun to drive to school to realise that its stuck again. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix that? If its a big operation? And where does one get igniton switches to XBR 500?

I live in sweden, and the cold is comming in. I'm really bothered by that, but more about icey patches, has anyone driven during the winter? What tires are needed for that?

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Re: Re: Winter tires and broken ignition switch.

17 Okt. 2010 06:45
Hi olof!

Sounds like the same issue I had some month ago. In my case the lock was dry, meaning it hadn't enough grease in it. Some teflon-containing grease (there's a special grease for locks - it's more fluid) should solve that - In my case, it did. Just don't use too much, because this stuff is not very usefull, if it is drowning the elctrical parts at the end of the lock (electrical shorts, etc.).

In Germany there are no tyres especially for winter (guys, correct me if I'm wrong). I would suggest a very smooth rubber-mix with a high contingent of silicate. Sure, the tyre will wear of faster than others but the grip during low temperatures is better.

Nevertheless, driving a bike during a swedish winter?! Sounds like some kind of suicide to me... :D


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