free flow exhaust for GB 500

  • Gerard GUASCH
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free flow exhaust for GB 500

29 Juli 2005 21:07

Sorry, but I don't speak German language.
I am looking for an exhaust system for GB 500, with the 2 pipes,
but a more free flow system than stock muffler.

Some know where find one, a manufacturer ou supplier adress ?

Bye and thank's for answer,


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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

30 Juli 2005 17:28
As far as I know, Predator Motorsport, UK, makes the only complete exhaust system for the GB500 currently available:
It has been discussed previously in here, try and search for Predator in the old messages (in german) ;-)

Mark Apland at should be working on a replica of the former White Bros/Supertrapp complete system. You might contact him and ask if he has finished the system. The header pipes were ready around New year 2005 according to someone who visited his shop at that time. Mark's header should fit a 42 or 44mm muffler like EMGO's long and short universal reverse cone mufflers available in most countries :-)

Bluurp, bluurp

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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 11:54
Hi Richard and thank's for infos.
In fact, I wonder if a 2 in 1 pipes,
with a collector to fit in the stock silencer should be the best way.
I have seen some pics on this mounting on different pics, on the web.
And I don't realy like the modern sport bike look of the predator silencer.
Here in France, there are several craftman who are working with stainless tubes,
but price of the handmade one piece stainless pipes with collector are very...high !
All the best,

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  • Johannes
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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 12:17
Hello Gerard,
there is a stainles steel solution from Albert but it is more for optical reasons then for "free flow"
It fits at the original muffler and the diameter before muffler ist because of this to big for good power.
And respect sainless steel is getting yellow....

mit freundlichen bub bub bub

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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 14:12
@Gerard: Unfortunately both the GB muffler and the collector / pre-muffler box of the header pipes are very restrictive, as Johannes says. So keeping one of them really helps nothing - both have to be replaced go if you really want to improve the flow through your exhaust.

For inspiration to build your own, you will find several examples of homemade exhaust systems for the GB, if you look around the Internet. Swede Bernd Wedells for instance on < > (look for the photos under "Min GB"). Also, in the Photos section of the Yahoo GB500 Group you will find others and even more in links hidden in the Messages in the group website...

So asking Mark Apland for his headers is probably the easiest way to start. As I recall, the headers should cost around $ 200 this january in a black painted finish, but do ask him yourself ;-)

But if you do build your own, please show us the result - and how much such a system would cost ;-)

Bluurp, bluurp

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  • Gerard
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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 17:39
Thank's a lot, Johannes and Richard.
I unsderstand that stock muffler is too restrictive, even without the "collector box"
So, I am going to search near French craftmen for 2 - 1 pipes with less restrictive muffler.

Just sending a message to Mark Apland right today, about his own design header,
but automatic answer : time vacation for Mark.

I don't want a racing muffler, because to much noice to ride easily.
Just a less restrictive exhaust to have a real thumper noice,
and better torque.

I know that too small no very free flow mufflers are not the best way for torquy result.
Better results are given with a more bigger muffler.
And also to don't have a too warm motor.

I have plan to fit a Ø 101 mm WISECO piston, 10.5/1 comp ratio.
Think sleeve must be changed too.
But I don't find this piston on WISECO French distributor :
in GB 500 files.
I wonder if this piston should be, in fact, XL or XR600 piston.

But for what excat model, type and year ?

Thank's for help,



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  • Albert email adress ?
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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 18:41
Try to join Albert about his 2 -1 header.
Infornu, his adress don't work :

Please, Johannes or other, have you the right adress ?

One more time, thank you very much,


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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 19:54
@Gerard: Talk to Choice of about the piston and a new cylinder sleeve - he can supply you the right parts. See his 600cc Bigbore kit at:

And Mannheim is not far from France anyway :-)

Bluurp, bluurp

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  • Johannes
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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 22:37
OK its a tric to prevent trouble and not easy to understand for non german:
try it in this way...

mit freundlichen bub bub bub

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Re: Re: free flow exhaust for GB 500

31 Juli 2005 22:41
Hi Gerard,

correct is "", so write it without "SPAMBREMSE-ENTFERNEN", that's not part of the adress but a way to make this adress uncomfortable for net-robots collecting adresses for spamming.

bub bub bub

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